Specialist subconsultant, forming part of a team advising on improving the interface between a roads authority and local utility operators. The project included reviewing international best practice and developing guidance for the local infrastructure community.
Appointed to develop a Programmed Investment Plan to set out in detail strategic transport interventions over the next three years. The project includes developing a multi-criteria assessment framework, liaison with stakeholders, GIS mapping and reporting, as well as recommendations on strategic gaps.
Provided strategic support in the development of customer-facing strategy and documents for leading edge road safety technology systems.
Project management of wide ranging commission developing a sustainable travel and modal shift assessment, along with an options appraisal report for the National Park Authority.
Provided strategic advice on tender structure and content for a major institutional capacity-building project with an international funding agency
Advising on condition, maintenance OPEX and CAPEX forecasts for two potential multi-€Billion PPP transactions, as a specialist sub-consultant. The projects covered two motorway networks and included highway O&M and numerous structures ranging from multi-span river crossings to box culverts.
Technical support, providing expertise in data analysis and report writing for research project relating to active travel infrastructure.
Leading diverse teams in developing Social Value options for the £3Billion 177km A9 Dualling Programme as part of the Jacobs Fairhurst Joint Venture.
Strategic overview, as well as detailed technical input, for a major advisory project tender. Initially provided support to go/no go decision and prequalification submission, then provided tender input and overview. Determined political drivers and influences, timescale and key players, competitor analysis, risk and opportunities and forward strategy.
Specialist sub-consultant contributing to strategic review of proposed 100km expressway project for international funding agency. Input included reviewing design standards, alignment, environmental constraints, structures, O&M challenges and value engineering. Identified significant potential savings in Capex, with associated environmental benefits.
Appointed as a specialist sub-consultant to develop infrastructure interventions encouraging active travel and accessibility, as part of a people-centred approach to improve the urban environment in cities, towns and villages in a specific international setting.
High level review of transport and active travel challenges and opportunities, liaising with stakeholders and drawing on our wide-ranging transport experience.